In drawing her, I've attached multiple process pics through the art process - I hope you enjoy!
1. Utilizing a Daler Rowney sketch board I picked up at my local art store, I clipped in some paper I had sitting around (I'd drawn on the other side, but wasn't a fan of the finished piece, so time to reuse it!)
I've put in some masking tape (frog tape, I believe it was called), for a rough reference point to sketch Audrey from. I try not to get too hung up on getting dimensions right or I'd be there all day, for now, it'll do!
During this process, I attempted to film it in the hopes of creating a video documenting the whole process - as you guys can see, I'm still learning! Below is a video of my attempt, enjoy~
2. Next up... Getting that base sketch down!
As you can see here, there are some odd marks from times I would've been playing around with chalk/paint, etc and some has landed here... I know I can fix this in the coming steps with layering over the marks.
3. Adding chalk, and oil pastel here and there, to create a black and white effect. Utilizing the chalk was great fun as I could layer over dark with clear white chalk, attaining those highlights and shadows across the piece.
4. Final touches! In this segment, I get people close to me to look over the piece and give initial criticisms, and with that, I can edit where I see fit. Find below a Youtube video and the final, finished pics of Auds.
After this, I made a print from the original artwork. I enjoyed this process, as it was fun to go over and fix the mistakes I found in the trad. drawing. This will be available on my store in the coming weeks!
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone." - Audrey Hepburn
✨ Thank you for reading my lil blog post, and visiting the studio! I hope this helps you in your own art journey. Any questions, queries or just want to say hi? Leave a comment down below - I appreciate it! 😊💖